23 March 2020


When I was first told I won't be needed at the office any more because most, if not all, people will be working from home.  There's just no need for a desktop technician to be around, unless said technician can also work from home, but I am a contractor with limited access so that wouldn't happen.  I jokingly thought maybe it's time to follow-up on all those work-from-home spam email I regularly get.  I am sure there are a bunch of them in my Spam folder, thank you Gmail.

Actually, there is a more honest way to make a living from home, or at least make some beer money, even though I don't drink beer (or any alcohol for that matter.)  I heard much about Patreon, the platform for creative types to get patrons, subscribers who foot the bill for the creators to keep the creative juice going without selling their souls to the big corporations.  Or something like that.  It cannot hurt to try, I suppose.  I do have a lot of free time, my kid is all grown-up.

I am all set with Patreon, payment arrangement made, Patreon widget added to this blog's sidebar, why, I even have a couple of cartoon ideas to draw.  I suppose in the beginning I should try to cast a wide net and offer the 'toons to everyone.  I do worry that it won't be fun and game if I have to constantly bang out materials to keep patrons happy but let's get thing up and running first.

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