08 October 2019


This past Saturday, I found an LG smartphone in the municipal parking lot by the New Utrecht Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library.  I have a knack for finding lost items, probably because I keep my eyes on the ground to avoid tripping or stepping on undesirable stuff.  One time, the iPhone I found had no lock whatsoever so I was able to someone who recently had a conversation with the owner.  Another, I cannot recall how I did, maybe I said "Call home", and was able to connect to someone the owner knew.  This time, the phone was locked by fingerprint so I was stumped.  I think I pressed the unlock button one too many times eventually I was offered the chance to unlock by passcode, which of course I failed.  The phone started to go dim and it took me a few minutes to realize that its power was low.  4%!!!  Luckily, I had a micro-USB cable in my car so I was able to power it.  I don't know if it's because the phone now had a steady supply of power, but it showed the message "If found please call owner" with a button, I think, below to press.  I tried that and was connected to "Mom", who couldn't meet me soon but told me to drop it off with an Alex in the nearby eyeglass store.  By now the phone and its owner should be re-united.

It's such a good idea to have the ability to call someone related to the owner of a smartphone, all from the lock screen.  Granted the average person would try to wipe a found phone or make some bucks out of the incident.  Yes, I am pessimistic.  But on the off-chance that some decent human being find a phone, why not make it easier to have it returned.  Of course, you would not set the function to call the phone itself, what's the point, right?  You would set it to call your next-of-kind, or your room-mate, someone nearby.

I tried to find out how such function can be had but have no success.  The low-tech method is to design the lock screen background to have the message "Call owner if found at so-and-so number".  I think I used to have my wife's phone number affixed somewhere on my phone, another low-tech solution.  At the other end, I found some enterprise app that can remote-wipe a phone, plus showing the If-found message, among other functions.  I think what I encountered was done via some Android apps but for the life of me, I couldn't find it.  You would think Google knows everything, but not always.  Maybe someone in the blogosphere can educate me?

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