03 October 2008

Ticket Agent?

Re-org, it is part of the corporate life. My server group just almost done with one. Much to my relief, I am being moved to another group inside the umbrella group. I will be up front tackling problem tickets. Supposedly I will regain my Netware admin rights, which I gave up when I moved into the current, Windows-only group. I am not worried that the Novell resources are being moved to ActiveDirectory, starting with the homes. For all the scripts I wrote for AD, I still prefer to work with Novell. I like the fact that a home folder is created automatically for Netware users as the accounts are created, whereas with Windows, especially when shares are involved, the home folders must be created separately after the fact.

Hopefully soon I will no longer be involved with the current migration project. I've been dealing almost exclusively with the project years ago since I was in the LAN Account Admin group. Since coming over to the server group, things only got worse. Sure I had some exposure to Robocopy scripting, but all the paperwork involved in requesting storage space, backup, change control, is just too much for my technical mind. The forms are probably among the most user-hostile in the world. You have to have a lot of prior knowledge to fill them out, just one illogical field in the hundreds and you are stuck.

It will be months before I will be free from this tedious project as I slowly transfer knowledge to other people in the group. It helps to have hope, to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

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