30 October 2020


 Someone recently joked that he was so bored at home that he started buying stuff through Facebook ads.  My one experience with that ain't so great.  We spend so much time in FB it makes sense that the advertisers would target us.  The thing I bought was some motion-sensing LED light.  Perhaps because many FB users also went for the same ad, it took me a few weeks to receive the item.  It was about $20, light is yellowish, and needs to be re-charged every few days.  Yes, the seller kept me updated, but it still took what seemed like a long time.  Some time later I bought two sets of 3-pack lights from Amazon, from two different vendors just to see the differences, for about $10 each light.  The Amazon stuff, as usual the case, arrived in a few days.  The Amazon lights also last for weeks before requiring a charge!  There are actually many choices with Amazon but for now I prefer the LED lights from Otinlai.  I like that they have a physical switch to go between Always-On to Off or to Night-Mode.  The other light I got from Amazon has one button to press to cycle through the three modes.  I had to read the little text on the light's body each time I want to make the changes. 

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