05 June 2013


Happy National Running Day!  This is the day all runners are supposed to, well, run.  NYRR, the biggest race org of New York City, has many events listed at http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-events/2013/national-running-day .  By now it may be too late for most of those events, but you still can catch the second race of the Al Goldstein Summer Series, presented by Jack Rabbit Sports and timed by NYCRuns, capably staffed by PPTC volunteers.  In case you don't know, Mr. Goldstein served as president of Prospect Park Track Club from 1990 to 1996, http://pptc.org/paul-suskind-interviewed-past-pptc-president-al-goldstein-and-roque-pizarro .  I had the honor of meeting Mr. Goldstein himself two weeks ago.  For my run this morning, I spelled out his name in 2 hours and 25 minutes, over a distance of almost 14 km.  The A is wider than necessary, the two L's were not made the same way, and the T's horizontal stroke is not wide enough, but it's still a very recognizable name.

I'll volunteer at the race as sweeper, riding on the bike at the end of the pack to make sure everyone gets to the finish line safely.  Maybe I'll see you there!  Again, Happy Running!

Al Goldstein, PPTC President from 1990 to 1996
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Al Goldstein.


  1. Nice photo of Mr. Goldstein. He looks great and that gives me hope that it is not too late for "geezer" like me to be on the healthy track ;>)
    I did not run, just a short walk during lunch - does that count?

    1. Sorry TOTA, it was National Running Day, you have to run to make it count. Mr. Goldstein is 93+ years old, it's amazing. He moves slowly, but totally without any tools to aid him.

  2. At 93 Mr. Goldstein looks much better than a geezer at 52+ (that would be me).
    Just curious, whose cane would that be if Mr. Goldstein did not need any tools for walking?
    PS: I like Bath Beach better than Gravesend. Bath Beach is sunny, cheery and lively while Gravesend is depressing and not too lively - haa haa.

    1. Yeah, just hearing the word "Gravesend" I want to double-check to make sure I don't already have one foot in the, well, you know.

  3. Aw bugger, my bad. I recall Mr. Goldstein came to the event with the foldable chair he sits on in the photo and someone helping him to carry that. That's probably his cane and I was wrong, argh. But he is healthy, that much I'm sure.
