30 January 2013


I thought of naming the title for this post "THE VOLUNTEERS WHO WENT OUT IN THE COLD".  The weather the past few days was relatively warmer, but on the morning of Saturday 26 January 2013 it was much colder.  As in "freezing cold."  Snow fell the evening before, right on the dot at 5 PM, the evening rush hour.  But for the NYCRUNS Brrrrooklyn Hot Chocolate 10K, the show had to go on.  The snow did not fall for that long, Prospect Park was plowed, the temperature dropped, but that shouldn't stop the runners from showing up, right?  Distance runners are a hard-core bunch.  Sure they already paid and there's no refund, so that may explain the 600+ people who came to run.  But the volunteers also showed up, perhaps to earn their volunteer credit toward a future race, but they didn't really have to, as there are other races coming up now that NYCRUNS are busier in 2013.  Like the Riverside Park Hot Chocolate this very Saturday 2 February.  But came the volunteers did, enough to support the water table, the food and hot chocolate "tent", to handle bag checks, to direct traffic etc, the usual volunteer duties.  Below are some photos of the volunteers, followed by a link to some photos of the runners and volunteers again.

Water, water, get your ice cold water!
Water first, Gatorade further down!
With the frigid cold, there was enough water left over for the Riverside Park Hot Chocolate the following Saturday.
We made use of the Oriental Pavilion, no need to setup the tent although the pas-de-quatre dance involved in folding the tent was missed.
Have all the hot chocolate you want, how can anyone refuse such an offer?
Finishers to the left, first-loopers go between the cones!


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