04 July 2010

Magical and Revolutionary Temptation

I gave in to temptation. I don't plan to buy any books to read on it, or movies to watch on it. The public library is doing a fine job of providing me books and movies, all free. Yet I'm now an iPad owner. Yup, 64-GB and WiFi only. I was considering the 3G model but I feared that with round-the-clock Internet access I won't get much else done in my life. The monthly fee does not help then the news of the security breach on AT&T's server killed the idea.

I actually went to my local Best Buy on Friday morning to try to buy it. There was only one iPad left in the whole store, ONE! Just a WiFi, 32-GB model. I took a few moments to mull it over, then some woman came to the salesman and eagerly bought it. I should have left the matter alone. Instead, in the evening I went to the Best Buy at Broadway and Houston Street to ask about their availability. They only had 64-GB models, for both 3G and WiFi. This time I acted fast and moments later walked out of the store an iPad owner, another lemming in Steve Job's Field of Distorted Reality...

Is it really magical and revolutionary? I cannot tell yet, having only synced the MacBook's old content from the dead iPod Touch to it. Old apps made for the smaller screens of iPhone and iTouch can be viewed at 2x magnification and are surprisingly not bad at all. No pixelation here! With more room both on the laptop (200+ vs. the old laptop's 75 or whatever) and the iPad (64 GB vs. the dead iTouch's 16), I plan to add more of my music CD and subscribe to more podcasts, maybe even some video-based ones.

I sure wish the background photo is something else though. Those nice streaking lines in the sky may look nice to some people, but one of the streaks briefly got me worried that it was a crack on the pristine screen. I simply rotated the thing to confirm that it was not a crack, whew!

With the Pad, I plan to do much web-surfing and emailing, perhaps more frequent blogging, once I get the Bluetooth keyboard. I don't plan to totally abandon the MacBook Pro with regards to Facebook. I know people who only interact with Facebook via their iDevice and totally miss out on a lot of what FB has to offer, warts and all. Besides, Wordscraper does not work on the Pad anyway. I wonder if there is some FB word games that has human interaction and does not require Flash... In a related note, I was pleasantly surprised that dailymile.com's route-creating routine worked fine on the Pad, albeit somewhat cumbersome as the screen is not big enough.

Here are some unboxing photos. When I can get the Pad from my son's cold, stubby fingers, I may make a short video with it.


  1. Congratulations on being an iPad owner - I am still thinking about getting one - should I? We are back in St. Louis after driving 4,437 miles to and back from Santa Monica, CA, part Route 66, part I-44, I-40, I-15 and I-10. Will post 2,000+ photos soon :)
    Belated Happy 4th of July - hope it was a nice weekend for you - God Bless America and a prayer for our Armed Forces.

  2. I don't think the iPad is for you, TOTA. You don't store photos on your computer, you probably don't listen to music on the iPod that much, you don't play much computer games, and you may find the on-screen keyboard uninviting. I would love to see you give the Apple experience a try, but I don't see it working for you.

  3. I didnt get the chance to play with it when we visited the Apple store. I was chasing a toddler. The plan was to let the wife and son get to know it, then my master plan will fall into place! Haa Haa Haa!

    Ive started to put all of my data (Photos,docs) in the cloud, so I could deal with the smaller HD but I type emails all day. Im not sure if this would replace my laptop. I guess i could get a keyboard like u.. hmm..
