27 August 2008

Second Home USA

Enjoy the following slideshow of photos from my second home in the U.S. Click the speech balloon gadget in the lower left to show or hide the text. Walk through the slideshow manually is recommended as I find the speed is too fast to read the text.


  1. Great photos and explanations. Sure brought back many happy moments in that crowded apartment. Dad looked so young and happy. I sure missed his smiles. Thanks for sharing. Wish I was smart like you to do something fancy with my photos :) Luv, Your big sister in St. Louis

  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Sounds like we watched some of the same stuff as kids.. We used to watch the cheesy wrestling quite a bit and lots of Saturday Night live. I enjoyed the pics, I'll have to try that out. I enjoy these types of stories, keep them coming.. And yes Big Sis, dont we all wish we were as smart as the Qaptain!

    - Lone Gunman
