25 April 2008

Qaption Qontest

Photo captioning is one of the feature I usually look at in AM New York, one of NYC's free daily newspaper. (AM's crossword puzzle is usually easier to solve, too, which to me is a plus.) Through a link in JoCo's web site, I came across http://jawboneradio.blogspot.com . One of the regular entry on Jawbone is Caption This. So here it is, for all my adoring fans (all five of them), here's some interactivity for you to have. Use Blogger's Commenting feature to provide a caption for the photo. Please keep it family-oriented clean, OK?

For now, all I can say is that the photo was take while I was on vacation. More later!


  1. I am Brazil, is very good you blog!!!!!

    My blog: http://netoclicak.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I am USA, Is very gross your picture!- Lone Gunman
