At the rate of changes Lotum introduces to the game of Word Blitz, it seems silly to even bother writing instruction on how to do things, but I persist. Here goes another instruction for HOW TO SHARE A WORD BLITZ TOURNAMENT TO A FACEBOOK GROUP.
Pre-requisite: be a member of the Facebook group Word Blitz Tournament Center at
Recently, Lotum added a Podium icon for the purpose of creating tournaments. It is circled in red in the picture below. As long as you don't already have seven tournaments going, whether created by you or others, you will have the Podium icon. (At one time, it was an icon of a Trophy. But then it started to malfunction, went away, and now it's back as a Podium.) Clicking it will create a new tournament.
The tournament is almost created... First, make sure under your name there is an icon of the globe and the word Public. That's the Privacy setting. It needs to be Public, so that anyone can play the tournament. To finally create the Public tournament, click the Share button.
After clicking Share, just sit back and wait for the tournament to show up. Note the time and date info under the word TOURNAMENT. A tournament lasts 7 days, I was already 17 seconds or so since the time I created the tournament, so it will run for 6 hours, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 43 seconds. The game is shared to my Facebook profile and it's been only 17 seconds or so thus nobody joined the game yet, I am the only and therefore #1. Click the X in the upper right corner to close the new tournament.
Out of the Word Blitz game environment and back in the Facebook screen, click Menu in the lower right a few times until your name and profile photo appear at the top left. Click See your profile.
On your profile page, scroll down a bit to find the newly created tournament. Click the Share button in lower right.
There are many ways to share a tournament. For our purpose, click Share To A Group
I already shared many tournaments to the group Word Blitz Tournaments Center, with Facebook knowing everything about its users, the group is listed at the top of the list. If it's your first time doing the sharing, you would need to click the Magnifying Glass next to the word Search and type in a few letters of the group name, starting from the left. I think Word Blitz would be enough, unless you joined many groups that start with those words.
Three things to notice in this final step: 1- the group name now shows under your name; 2- the tag, which is the hash sign # (also known as pound sign) followed by the day of the week; 3- the Share Now button.
#Sunday in this case denotes the tournament was started on a Sunday. To circumvent the restriction of 7 tournaments, some people seek to join only tournaments that end within hours or minutes. By using the Topics button at the top of the group, they can see the various tags corresponding to the day of the week. In the ideal world, tournaments that ended would already be deleted by the original creator or by an admin or moderator, so that you would only see tournaments that ending on that day of the week, plus the ones that were started on that day. For example, if Joe started 3 games on a Sunday, a week later those games will appear as ending in hours or minutes. Similarly, if Peter started 2 games on the morning a week after Joe started his 3, Peter's 2 games will also appear when the #Sunday filter was applied.
Finally, the Share Now button is what completes the process. Go ahead and click it!